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Prof. Katarzyna Dorota Wróbel

Prof. Katarzyna Wróbel – obtained her MSc (1982), PhD (1992) and habilitation (1998) from the University of Warsaw, specializing in analytical chemistry.

She held an academic position at the Chemistry Department of UW (1981-1990), then moved to the UW Branch in Bialystok and since 1995 she is a full professor at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Guanajuato, Mexico.

Dr. Wrobel worked at a post-doctoral position in the group of Prof. Alfredo Sanz-Medel (1992-1994) and spent her sabbatical year working with Professor Joseph Caruso at the University of Cincinnati (2001-2002).

Her primary research interest focuses on the role of metals/metalloids in biological systems studied using analytical chemistry tools.

She has published more than 170 original articles and 18 chapters.

Dr. Wrobel was one of the founders of the postgraduate studies in chemistry at the University of Guanajuato, where under her supervision 19 PhD students and 31 MSc students obtained their academic degrees. She contributed to the strengthening of the analytical instrumentation infrastructure of the University of Guanajuato, introducing mass spectrometry techniques.