Next Distinguished Lectures on Quantum Crystallography and Complementary Fields
We cordially invite you to participate in next Distinguished Lectures on Quantum Crystallography and Complementary Fields which will be presented on-line.
This time we will have two lectures which will start at 4 pm CET on the 12th of Jan, 2023:
- Lecture 19: “Phase Space Quantum Crystallography: how about considering the other axis?” <> delivered by: *Jean-Michel Gillet* (Structures, Properties and Modelling of Solids lab., CentraleSupelec, Paris, France)and
- Lecture 20*:<>“Reduced Functions and Descriptors for Accurate Electronic Structure Prediction and Understanding Chemical Bonding” <> by *Katarzyna Pernal* (Institute of Physics, Lodz University of Technology, Poland)One can register at these lectures using the following web page:
You can also find abstracts and CVs of speakers at the above web page.
The lectures are free and open to everyone;*these particularlectures are expected to last ca. 35min each + up to 15min for Q&A. Just make sure to register.
This series of lecturesis organized under the auspices of the Quantum Crystallography Commission of IUCr and the European Crystallographic Association SIG 2 on Quantum Crystallography with a support of the University of Warsaw (Poland).