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Affiliated professors

The Rector of the University of Warsaw may grant, for a definite period of time, a person employed in the position of professor or equivalent at another domestic or foreign university or research institute and participating in scientific research conducted at the University of Warsaw with the status of an affiliated professor.

The status of a professor affiliated with the University of Warsaw entitles you to:

  • conduct scientific research and participate in didactic classes on the terms set out by the dean/head of the unit;
  • use the faculty libraries and the University Library in Warsaw on the terms applicable to employees – academic teachers;
  • use, within the scope specified by the dean/head of the unit, other resources of the faculty: premises, laboratory, research apparatus, equipment.

The detailed procedure is regulated by the Ordinance of the Rector of the University of Warsaw No. 43 of July 9, 2012 on defining the procedure for granting the status of professor affiliated with the University of Warsaw.