Summary of the ESAS 2024 Conference

31 07 2024
The European Symposium on Analytical Spectrometry (ESAS) is one of the most significant international meetings dedicated to the exchange of the latest achievements, ideas, and exploration of new directions in the field of atomic and mass spectrometry.
In 2024, at the initiative of Professor Ewa Bulska and Professor Barbara Wagner, the conference took place in Warsaw, at the Biological and Chemical Research Centre of the University of Warsaw. This edition saw the participation of 140 scientists from 14 countries around the world. During the opening ceremony, Professor Margaretha T.C. de Loos-Vollebregt was honored with the Dr. Jerzy Fijałkowski Award in recognition of her outstanding achievements in atomic and mass spectrometry.
The symposium featured 17 plenary lectures delivered by renowned scientists in the field of spectrometry, including Margaretha T.C. de Loos-Vollebregt, Frank Vanhaecke, Markéta Holá, Joanna Szpunar, Victor G. Mihucz, Thomas Prohaska, Jörg Feldmann, Heidi Goenaga-Infante, Yukihiro Ozaki, Érico M. M. Flores, Jiří Dědina, Ryszard Łobiński, Martín Resano, Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda, Márcia Foster Mesko, Gerhard Schlemmer, and Katarzyna Wróbel. This year’s conference covered both fundamental research and practical applications of atomic and mass spectrometry techniques.
A total of 57 oral presentations and nearly 60 posters were presented during the main part of the symposium. An additional highlight was the special Young Scientists Poster Session, where students and doctoral candidates from the University of Warsaw had the opportunity to present their research findings. This session included 18 posters that were further discussed during brief oral presentations. Three equivalent poster awards were granted by the scientific committee chaired by Professor Gerhard Schlemmer (awarded to Magda Zabielska-Konopka, Agata Jagielska, and Dominik Bruzl), and one best poster was selected by the participants of ESAS 2024, with Magdalena Borowska winning in this category.
ESAS 2024 was accompanied by an exhibition of modern atomic spectrometry equipment and related sample preparation techniques, sponsored by various partners, including Pro-Environment Polska (an authorized distributor of Perkin Elmer in Poland), Shim-pol, Analytika (a manufacturer of reference materials), MS Spectrum, Polygen, Witko, and Analytik Jena.
The closing ceremony was led by Professors Ewa Bulska and Barbara Wagner, during which it was announced that the host for the next ESAS symposium would be chosen soon.
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