Laboratory of New Methods of NMR Spectroscopy
Description of the Group
The NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a source of unique information about the structure, interactions, and dynamics of molecules. In particular, it allows to determine the spatial structure of macromolecules of biological significance in solutions, i.e. under conditions approaching physiological, where X-ray crystallography is not possible.
Research Activities
The main goal of our research is to search for new experimental techniques of NMR spectroscopy, their applications in chemistry and biochemistry, as well as new methods of signal processing. We are also working on appropriate computer algorithms, necessary for the analysis of spectra with non- classically sampled indirectly measured time dimensions, as well as for the determination of structurally significant parameters. Due to the great interest and importance of this subject, new ideas and solutions can also be expected.
Our group is the only one in Poland to address the issues of NMR spectroscopy methodology. In recent years, the focus has been on the acquisition and processing of NMR spectra with a high number of dimensions and high resolution capability
Creating and developing new methods for measuring and processing multidimensional NMR spectra and their application in the study of intrinsically disordered proteins. These achievements represent a breakthrough in NMR multidimensional spectroscopy and its applications, especially in biomolecule research. The methodological breakthrough can be compared with the introduction of impulse NMR spectros-copy more than forty years ago.
Research equipment used by the group
Agilent 600 MHz DDR2 NMR spectrometer (room -1.35)
“one-NMR” probe, two 1H/19F channels and a broadband 15N-31P (+2H channel), z gradients;
HCN probe, three 1H/13C/15N channels (+2H channel), xyz gradients;
“Penta” probe, four 1H/13C/15N/31P channels (+2H channel), z gradients;
Sample changer for 12 positions.
Bruker 800 MHz DDR2 NMR spectrometer (Agilent magnet) (room -1.35)
Two parallel receiver channels;
HCN probe, three 1H/13C/15N channels (+2H channel), z gradients;
Cryogenic probe, three channels 1H/13C/15N (+ channel 2H), gradients with , built-in 1H and 13C preamplifiers;
Probe for powder samples, three channels, rotor diameter 3.2 mm, magic angle spinning up to 25 kHz, coil ensuring minimum dielectric losses;
Probe for powder samples, four channels, rotor diameter 0.81 mm, magic angle spinning up to 100 kHz.
Team Leader
Research career:
1982-87 studies at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Univer-sity of Warsaw.
1987-94 doctoral studies at ICHO PAN.
1993 PhD
1994-96 postdoctoral internship, University of Zurich, group of prof. W. von Philipsborn (30 months).
1996 employment at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Uni-versity of Warsaw.
2001 habilitation
2010 title of professor.
2016 position of full profesor
136 scientific publications Scientific and didactic activities: author or co-author of more than 130 scientific publications, manager and contractor of numerous research projects both national and international, supervisor of 8 completed doctoral dissertations, supervisor of approx. 10 diploma theses. For his scientific, didactic and organizational work he has received numerous awards from the Rector of the University of Warsaw.